2013年9月23日 星期一




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2013年9月4日 星期三

Best website design service for web design company

web design

Web Design Summary of Product Management
Background web design is simple to use, can give customers unlimited upload and update products . And all website design products simply upload again , it can interface are displayed on three versions of the site . Include inventory management system, real-time updates inventory and low volume products web design company email notifications.

Best way Web design
Each web design product can be uploaded ten pictures , the system knows automatically zoom to the appropriate size , and supports click to enlarge the original image, plus specialty support Taobao style presentation, can be described in detail product characteristics.

web design company
Flexible website design schedule board set
Separate classification for each product upload Promotion Home ( pictures or HTML) and image banners (Jpg, Gif and Flash), home also supports dynamic website design picture banners and custom left , middle and right of the content box switch.

Smartphone Edition
Design Web Shop attached Smartphone Edition is compatible with a variety of popular smart phones such as the iPhone, Android and Blackberry and so on.

Facebook Version
Facebook version has a shop , so customers can stay in the Facebook shopping , and more with Facebook Like Box, Youtube Video Code Input and social network sharing capabilities.

Search engine optimization SEO
Customizable site Title, Meta Description and Meta Keywords and other search engine optimization -related projects , the system can automatically becomes the product name product page Title. It’s important for every web design company

Multifunctional Member System
Customizable multi- membership levels , each level set custom shopping discounts. Members can log record trading status and print invoices. System Support Member Shopping Points program to encourage members to patronize again .

Web design Comprehensive sales reports
Ready access to overall product sales and browsing history or Member shopping records, reports can be exported to a CSV format file ( can be opened in Excel or OpenOffice ) , to help you make the best sales strategy.

Interactive web design marketing platform
On each product page with product reviews and more Live Chat instant messaging (Skype, QQ, Yahoo Messenger), easy to reply to customer questions , and help enhance revenue .

Freight Web design system
Supported by weight or by purchase amount calculated shipping, you can enter a list of shipping freight companies do not , the system can automatically calculate the shipping costs.

Comprehensive sales and after-sales service
Can make an appointment on the Company or to obtain a comprehensive understanding of system functionality backstage trial account , the site can be used after completion of one year technical guidance and unlimited phone / email technical support services.